CESUR is an innovative VET provider with more than 25 years of experience in vocational education and training geared towards employment. At CESUR, we develop new teaching and learning models. Nowadays CESUR has 17 training centres located in 9 cities in Spain: Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Murcia, Cáceres, Badajoz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In addition CESUR collaborates with more than 400 enterprises of many different professional areas to offer appropriate dual vocational training. CESUR offers around 100 training cycles and 280+ specialized courses.”
IED – The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development
The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is a research organization established in 2005, focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship for everyone. The organization’s main activity is the implementation of projects under some of Europe’s most influential and groundbreaking Programmes like the HORIZON 2020 and the ERASMUS+ programmes.
Cluster of regional development is nonprofit organization, interest group of legal persons and group of partners from public, private and third sector. Initially, it was Cluster of tourism – western Slovakia; later, our member base asked for extension of services and therefore Cluster started to focus on the other areas like education, support of social services, environment and consultation services. In recent years Cluster focused on propagation of activities of its members by participating and presenting them on exhibitions of tourism, but also by organizing its own propagation events, predominantly in synergy with individual members.
CITTA’ METROPOLITANA DI CATANIA is a local public administration situated in Sicily and whose territory includes 58 municipalities for a total population of about 1.500.000 inhabitants (Catania is the main of them with about 400.000 inhabitants). Competences of CITTA’ METROPOLITANA DI CATANIA concern local road network, school buildings, social services, environmental protection, tourism policies, local development, territorial planning. The entity covers a territory characterized by two important UNESCO sites: one cultural (the baroque of Catania) and one environmental (Etna), as well as valuable rural and coastal itineraries with distinct environmental, cultural and gastronomic characteristics; within its territory there are several productive districts, concerning especially hi-tech, agro-food and handcraft.
ParkPARK, s.r.o. was founded in 2007 and since then it has been a member of partners group of companies with the same ownership structure. In it’s core portfolio is research and development in the field of electronic services, digital data processing and SMART solutions. In the company acts software, hardware and IT security engineers together with training experts. The company focuses on highly specialized and specialized solutions.